yuki he. yuki furu.

four different japanese characters sung by one soprano – excerpt from the opera “Lob des Schattens” (2017/2021)

instrumentation: soprano, cello and electronics (tape 4-channel)

duration: 3'

premiere: 21/10/2021 in the Mozarteum Salzburg by Alexandra Lampert-Raschké (soprano), Lucía Pérez Diego (violoncello)

self-publishing edition: make contact


The present work is an excerpt from the opera “Lob des Schattens” (2017)

click here for the original version

yuki he
yuki furu
shizukesa ni oru

Haiku by Santo ̄ka (1882-1940)

schnee fällt
auf schnee
und alles in tiefer stille

snow falls
on snow
and everything in deep silence


lob des schattens. rewriting.


without skin everything feels cooler and warmer